我正在学习如何制作网页。So,let's make a friend!
这里是封面, 这里 什么颜色 没有。


Hi, welcome to the vacuum package of this small compressed biscuit. It's just a small piece of thousands of data, and it's also a small world where I can relax in my study and life.

I'm soukds [it really sounds strange, because I found many names repeated, but this name is also very ??, ha ha]. I am a Chinese, and I will talk about sth I want to say when I am free, so as to make my website less "empty")

I started a journey of neocities on June 26, 2021, and I love it!


2023/2/19/ 20.06

--🌸Routine checks

AND- 啊啊啊啊我考了年级第22名!全年级一共680个人!!也就是我们班里面的第四名啊啊啊啊!我太激动了!果然我还是要好好学习!放慢更新的速度,对不起大家,这可能会一直持续到两三年后我毕业了。实在很抱歉。我在高中选择了艺术和文化班,这样我毕业以后要考的专业可能是艺术,正在为未来烦恼.....最近也发生了许多的事情,让我焦头烂额。最近也喜欢上了阅读佩索阿的诗集《我将宇宙随身携带》,有了很大的感触,也让我稍稍放松了一点。读的时候最印象深刻的就是《落日缓行在剩余的残云中》或许等我有空了,我将写一点点随笔,我希望我有时间。 Ahhhhhhhh I came 22nd in my year! There were 680 people in the class! That's fourth in my class! I'm so excited! I have to study hard! Sorry for the slow update, this will probably go on until I graduate in 2-3 years. I'm really sorry about that. I chose art and culture classes in high school so that the major I'll be taking after graduation will probably be art and am worrying about the future ..... A lot has been happening lately too and it's burning me up. I've also recently enjoyed reading Pessoa's book of poetry, I Carry the Universe with Me, which has struck a chord and relaxed me a little. The one that stood out the most when I read it was 'Sunset Slowly in the Remaining Remaining Clouds' Perhaps I will write a little bit of an essay when I have the time, which I hope I have.

2023.5.6 checking

2023.8.18 checking :)

2023.11.10 checking I'm planning to rent a server sometime in my adult life to put my website on, as I've been unable to update it due to it not being filed in my country being blocked as a site promoting fraud prevention. Tomorrow is my adult birthday 🎂 Happy Birthday to me!

2024.2.25 好久没有登这个账号了,我的ip似乎被屏蔽了,换了😶好几种vpn才登上来,最令人惋惜的是,我电脑上的vpn失效了(=TェT=),最近在忙着画画和学业(好吧一直都是这些事) 顺便一说昨天(24号)是cn的元宵节,祝大家元宵节快乐,还有迟来的新年快乐


Forecast: A section of new pages will be added: ① page about updates ② page about the game ③ sub-pages under the game topics page: puzzle games, oriental pop-up games, soul-like games ..... ④Virtual singer [Note: actual update progress may be slow for various reasons]The order of updates may vary

I almost forgot to say thank you to my brother for helping me sort out my cluttered website backend files and helping me write part of the website language over the summer, thank you!


Self Introduction

I realized I forgot to put in my introduction.

Birthday: 200*/**/** (Chinese format used)

Likes: staying at home playing games and watching anime;I can do some mikumikudance animation, but I can't render it yet); painting; playing music (even though some instruments don't play well to my level. Usually guzheng and guitar, guitar belongs to self-learning category, want to learn piano) ......

is currently creating a new theme.(Maybe I'm cutting corners(?

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